Code of Ethics

  1. Uphold strict client confidentiality including and regarding treatments and therapies, unless; the client provides written permission to the contrary; you are court ordered to release confidential information; or you are compelled by law to report suspected child or elderly adult abuse, violence or neglect.
  2. Practice within the limits of your training and within the competencies and knowledge of the profession.
  3. Be conscientious of the limitations of your knowledge and skills and be willing to offer your clients referrals to practitioners who are able to offer potentially beneficial treatments and therapies even if outside of your discipline.
  4. Utilize formal continuing education to sustain or further develop your skills and competencies, while remaining aware of field research and developments.
  5. Advise any client not already doing so to seek the attention of a mental health or medical practitioner when they need relief from the symptoms of mental or physical ill health.
  6. Cooperate with a client’s practitioner(s), when it is in their best interest and they have given consent.
  7. Never knowingly give a client advice that is contrary to or in conflict with the advice provided by a medical or mental health practitioner.
  8. Maintain security for all client notes and records.
  9. Receive written permission from the client or their legal guardian prior to recording their sessions or discussing their case

10. Obtain the consent of a client’s legal guardian(s) before beginning treatment with minors or those deemed with Special Needs.

11. Ensure the safety of your clients and those who accompany them by all reasonable means

12. Make your workspace or facility suitable and appropriate for clients and those who accompany them

13. Never use the trust and confidence of your position to:

  1. Sexually, emotionally, financially, or in any other way manipulate a client. If a mutual financial or sexual relationship develops between you and a client (or between your or your clients immediate family) you are required to cease treatment and fees immediately, and within a reasonable amount of time, refer your client to another practitioner.
  2. Act or touch your client in a way that could be misconstrued. Prior to using deepening techniques or any form of induction that requires you to touch or be close to a client, you must explain the technique and the reason for your closeness or touch, and get permission from the client to do so.

14. Treat clients for only as long as needed in keeping with quality client care

15. Fully disclose all relevant training, experience, memberships and qualifications, as well as the proper complaint avenues if requested

16. Make no qualification claims that cannot be substantiated, including using a title such as ‘Doctor,’ that could mislead the public to believe you hold medical qualifications if you do not.

17. Detail fully, in writing, prior to any treatment, fee levels, payment terms, and any possible charges for cancellations or non-attendance.

18. Clearly detail all limitations and expected outcomes of your product and services while ensuring the client maintains complete control his or her decision to purchase said offerings.

19. Uphold all standards of professional conduct

20. Distinguish, discriminate against or act with prejudice against any client for any reason, including color, sexual orientation, religion, disability, creed, political beliefs, age, gender, or ethnicity, etc.